Apr 29, 2014

Resources that have influenced me as a C programmer

From http://www.reddit.com/r/C_Programming/comments/249cmt/resources_that_have_influenced_me_as_a_c/


The GNU C Library Reference. Also commonly available as 'info libc'. It should be read like a book. Really.

The Kernel CodingStyle, has some pretty good advice.

What every programmer should know about memory is very relevant for high-speed processing. This is the LWN article.

Kernel design patterns. Another great LWN link. I always smile a little whenever I use the container_of() macro.

Recursive Make Considered Harmful. Makes a fine beverage when mixed with Autotools.

Gnulib - the GNU Portability Library. Add in small quantities.

GNU C Language Extensions. I try to stay pretty compiler-agnostic, but there are some nifty things here. I would have never known about zero-length arrays if not for this.

Linux Device Drivers, 3rd edition.. Definitely worth reading.

The Linux Programming Interface. Likewise.

K&R Second Edition. Almost forgot this one!

GNU Screen. Nothing specific to C programming, but this utility deserves mention.

More than anything, man pages, 'info libc', reading header files, etc. Ways to look things up without first turning to Google, which often links to low signal-to-noise resources.

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