Nov 10, 2011

Django applications


Mezzanine - An open source content management platform built using the Django framework.
django-fiber - a simple, user-friendly CMS
merengue - Merengue is a full-featured and pluggable CMS designed for creating websites, writing less code and mantaining clean, elegant and re-usable code.
feincms - A Django-based CMS with a focus on extensibility and concise code


django-multiblogs - An application for managing multiple blogs, and even *gasp* blog "sets".
django-articles - The blog engine that powers See for the ticket tracker


pybbm - PyBB Modified. Django forum application


django-basic-feedback - Provides a Feedback button on your pages and lets you view feedback via Django's admin site. Requires jQuery. 


Plata - the lean and mean Django-based Shop
LFS - Lightning Fast Shop

Shopping cart

Cartridge -A Django shopping cart application


django-categories - This app attempts to provide a generic category system that multiple apps could use. It uses MPTT for the tree storage and provides a custom admin for better visualization


django-wiki - Super simple pluggable wiki application for Django.
Hatta - Wiki engine that lives in Mercurial repository.


django-poll-system - The application to organize polling (or voting) on your site. Demo


django-admin-sortable - Drag and drop sorting for models and inline models in Django admin
django-admin-filtrate - This Django app makes it easier to create custom filters in the change list of Django Admin and supplies a TreeFilter and a DateRangeFilter too
django-exportable-admin - Provides a custom ModelAdmin which adds CSV export for changelist views


django-subdomains - Subdomain tools for the Django framework, including subdomain-specific URL routing
django-hosts - Dynamic and static host resolving for Django. Maps host names to URLconfs


django-denorm - provides a declarative way of denormalizing models in Django based applications while maintaining data consistency.


django-object-permissions - A method for adding object-level or row-level permissions
django-moderation - is reusable application for Django framework, that allows to moderate any model objects.
django-su - Login as any user from the Django admin interface, then switch back when done


django-postman - User-to-User messaging system for Django, with gateway to AnonymousUser, moderation and thread management, user & exchange filters, auto-complete support.


django-transmeta - an application for translatable content in Django's models. Each language is stored and managed automatically in a different column at database level.

Template tag

django-ttag - A template tag constructor library for Django


django-image-cropping - A reusable app for cropping images easily and non-destructively in Django

JavaScript and CSS Compression

django-pipeline - Pipeline is an asset packaging library for Django, providing both CSS and JavaScript concatenation and compression, built-in JavaScript template support, and optional data-URI image embedding.


django-cities - Countries and cities of the world for Django projects
django-countries - Nice little application for Django projects providing fixtures and models for a "complete" list of world countries


django-leaflet - allows you to use Leaflet (version 0.3) in your Django projects.


pdfdocument - ReportLab-wrapper


python-qrcode - This module uses the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to allow for the generation of QR Codes.


django-csv-importer - Convert csv files into python object or django model
django-exportable-admin - Provides a custom ModelAdmin which adds CSV export for changelist views

Visitors analytic

httpagentparser - Extracts OS Browser etc information from http user agent string
django-mobi - Django middleware and view decorator to detect phones and small-screen devices.
geobaza - Geobaza is the software for geolocation by IP-address.
django-online-counter - Django online visitor counter


djangbone - Django backends to talk to Backbone.js
dajaxproject - Easy to use AJAX libraries for django


django-ajax-selects - jQuery UI-powered auto-complete fields for ForeignKey, ManyToMany and text fields
django-chosen - django FormFields using the Chosen javascript plugin for jQuery
django-smart-selects - chained and grouped selects for django forms

Inline edition

django-inplaceedit - allows inline edition of some data from the database

File upload

plupload - The developers of TinyMCE brings you Plupload, a highly usable upload handler for your Content Management Systems or similar. Plupload is currently separated into a Core API and a jQuery upload queue widget this enables you to either use it out of the box or write your own custom implementation.
uploadify - Uploadify is a jQuery plugin that integrates a fully-customizable multiple file upload utility on your website. It uses a mixture of Javascript, ActionScript, and any server-side language to dynamically create an instance over any DOM element on a page.


django-serverpush - django server push solution


pyside - bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework
wxpython - a blending of the wxWidgets C++ class library with the Python programming language


selenium - Python bindings for Selenium
django-selenium - Selenium testing support for django


  • Middleware to tag each request with a unique ID.
  • Logging filters to capture request metadata like user, remote IP, and headers.
  • Logging handlers for:
    • Capturing exception information, including a copy of the Django server error page, in a database.
    • Sending error notifications to admins without revealing sensitive information like the contents of request.POST.
  • A database router for sending log records to a separate database.
  • A simple user interface for browsing log records in the database.
django-object-log - A method for logging user actions on models


django-profiler - Util for profiling python code mainly in django projects but can be used also on ordinary python code. It counts sql queries a measures time of code execution.
django-debug-logging - A plugin for the Django-Debug-Toolbar to provide statistic logging and a UI for reviewing the logs.
django-statsd - Integration between statsd and django. It allows you to use different clients, sends timings as middleware and integrates with django debug toolbar.
psutil - is a module providing an interface for retrieving information on all running processes and system utilization (CPU, disk, memory, network) in a portable way by using Python, implementing many functionalities offered by command line tools.

Data visualization


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