Nov 29, 2012

URL Design using base36

class Pet(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(_("Pet's name"), max_length=100)
    identifier = models.CharField(_("identifier"), max_length=50,
        null=True, blank=True, db_index=True)
class PetCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView):
    model = Pet
    form_class = PetForm

    def form_valid(self, form):
        pet =
        pet.identifier = base36.encode(
        pet.owner = self.request.user
        # Save again - it's not taking THAT many server cycles AND we needed
        #    the in advance to generate the pet.identifier
        return super(PetCreateView, self).form_valid(form)
urlpatterns = patterns("",


Nov 23, 2012

Git HowTos

Apply diff
git diff > some.diff
git apply some.diff
Retaine all the untracked junk in your working directory
git stash
# Code is now as it was at last checkin.
git checkout fe9c4
# Look around here.
git checkout master # Or whatever commit you had started with
# Code is now as it was at last checkin, so replay stashed diffs with:
git stash pop
Take the working directory back to the state it was in when you last checked out
git reset --hard
Create branch
git branch new_leaf # Create a new branch...
git checkout new_leaf # then check out the branch you just created.
#or execute both steps at once with the equivalent:
git checkout -b new_leaf
git push -u origin new_leaf
Create tag:
git tag v1.2 # Create a new tag... 
git push origin --tags
  • Run git merge other_branch.
  • In all likelihood, get told that there are conflicts you have to resolve.
  • Check the list of unmerged files using git status.
  • Pick a file to manually check on. Open it in a text editor and find the merge-me marks if it is a content conflict. If it’s a filename or file position conflict, move the file into place.
  • Run git add your_now_fixed_file.
  • Repeat steps 3−5 until all unmerged files are checked in.
  • Run git commit to finalize the merge.
Resolve conflict
git mergetool
Replay on the testing branch all of the changes made on the main branch since the common ancestor
git branch testing # get on the testing branch
git rebase abcd123
# or equivalently: git rebase main
How to retrieve the hash for the current commit in Git?
git rev-parse HEAD
# 86816eb7515578112ee9460da8a4040200f478d7
# or short SHA-1 version:
git rev-parse --short HEAD
# 86816eb
Reset vs Revert
Forget all local changes but you cant push to remote branch
git reset --hard HEAD 
# or 
git reset COMMIT_NO
git revert COMMIT_NO
# or 
git revert -m 2 COMMIT_NO # for merge

git push
How to count total lines changed by a specific author in a Git repository?
git log --author="_Your_Name_Here_" --pretty=tformat: --numstat \
| gawk '{ add += $1; subs += $2; loc += $1 - $2 } END { printf "added lines: %s removed lines: %s total lines: %s\n", add, subs, loc }' -
Git – how to determine the committers or authors
git shortlog -sn # or if you want to include the email
git shortlog -sne

Nov 20, 2012

Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought - Drew Neil


. - repeats the last change
u - undo
<C-r> - redo
x - deletes character under the cursor d{motion} - delete dl dd - delete current line db - deletes from the cursor’s starting position to the beginning of the word dw

c{motion} - change

y{motion} - yank into register
A - append to the and of line
A = $a
C = c$
s = cl
S = ^C
I = ^i
o = A<CR>
O = ko

ea - append at the end of the current word
xp - transpose characters
ddp - transpose lines
yyp - duplicate line
g~{motion} - swap case
gu{motion} - to lower case
gU{motion} - to upper case

J - join two lines

> - shift left
< - shift right
= - autoindent
gg=G - autoindent from start of file 
>G - increases the indentation from the current line until the end of the file


j | Down one real line gj | Down one display line k | Up one real line gk | Up one display line 0 | To first character of real line g0 | To first character of display line ^ | To first nonblank character of real line g^ | To first nonblank character of display line $ | To end of real line g$ | To end of display line --------------------------------------- w | Forward to start of next word b | Backward to start of current/previous word e | Forward to end of current/next word ge | Backward to end of previous word gg - to the start of file {line}G - go to line


:jumps <C-o> - to prev edition place <C-i> - to next edition place [count]G | Jump to line number //pattern <CR> /?pattern <CR> / n / N | Jump to next/previous occurrence of pattern % | Jump to matching parenthesis (/) | Jump to start of previous/next sentence {/} | Jump to start of previous/next paragraph H/M/L | Jump to top/middle/bottom of screen gf | Jump to file name under the cursor <C-]> | Jump to definition of keyword under the cursor ’{mark} / `{mark} | Jump to a mark


:changes g; - traverse backward through the change list g; - traverse forward through the change list see also `. and `^


a) or ab | A pair of (parentheses) i) or ib | Inside of (parentheses) a} or aB | A pair of {braces} i} or iB | Inside of {braces} a] | A pair of [brackets] i] | Inside of [brackets] a> | A pair of <angle brackets> i> | Inside of <angle brackets> a’ | A pair of 'single quotes' i’ | Inside of 'single quotes' a" | A pair of "double quotes" i" | Inside of "double quotes" a` | A pair of `backticks` i` | Inside of `backticks` at | A pair of <xml>tags</xml> it | Inside of <xml>tags</xml> ---------------------------------------------------- iw | Current word aw | Current word plus one space iW | Current WORD aW | Current WORD plus one space is | Current sentence as | Current sentence plus one space ip | Current paragraph ap | Current paragraph plus one blank line


P - paste the contents of our unnamed register in front of the cursor gp gP - leave the cursor positioned at the end of the pasted text <C-r>{register} - paste from register in Insert mode "{register} :reg "0 - content of register "" - unnamed "0 - yank "_ - black hole "+ - system "* - selection "= - expression "a-"z - named Register | Contents ----------------------------------- "% | Name of the current file "# | Name of the alternate file ". | Last inserted text ": | Last Ex command "/ | Last search pattern


f{char} | Forward to the next occurrence of {char} F{char} | Backward to the previous occurrence of {char} t{char} | Forward to the character before the next occurrence of {char} T{char} | Backward to the character after the previous occurrence of {char} ; | Repeat the last character-search command , | Reverse the last character-search command


m{a-zA-Z} ’{mark} Keystrokes | Buffer Contents -------------------------------------------------------------- `` | Position before the last jump within current file `. | Location of last change `^ | Location of last insertion `[ | Start of last change or yank `] | End of last change or yank `< | Start of last visual selection `> | End of last visual selection % - jump between opening and closing sets of parentheses

Insert mode

i - activate <C-h> - delete back one char <C-w> - delete back one word <C-h> - delete back to start of line <C-r>{register} - paste from register <C-a> - perform addition on numbers <C-x> - perform subtraction on numbers <C-r>= - open calculator {number}<C-a> set nrformats= this will cause vim to treat all numerals as decimal, regardless of whether they are padded with zeros.

Insert unusial character

<C-v>{123} - Insert character by decimal code <C-v>u{1234} - Insert character by hexadecimal code <C-v>{nondigit} - Insert nondigit literally <C-k>{char1}{char2} - Insert character represented by {char1}{char2} digraph

Insert normal mode

<C-o> - enable

Replace mode

R - activate

Virtual Replace mode (tab as spaces)

gR - activate

Visual modes

gv - Reselect the last visual selection
o - Go to other end of highlighted text
vit - select inside tag
U - to uppercase

Character-wise Visual mode


Line-wise Visual mode


Block-wise Visual mode


Command-Line mode

:[range]delete [x] | | Delete specified lines [into register x] :[range]yank [x] | | Yank specified lines [into register x] :[line]put [x] | | Put the text from register x after the specified line :[range]copy {address} | :t | Copy the specified lines to below the line specified by {address} :[range]move {address} | :m | Move the specified lines to below the line specified by {address} :[range]join | | Join the specified lines :[range]normal {commands} | | Execute Normal mode {commands} on each specified line :[range]substitute/{pattern}/{string}/[flags] | | Replace occurrences of {pattern} with {string} on each specified line :[range]global/{pattern}/[cmd] | | Execute the Ex command [cmd] on all specified lines where the {pattern} matches @: - repeat last ex command :registers <C-r><C-w> - copies the word under the cursor and inserts it at the command-line prompt <C-w> - delete backward to the start of the previous word <C-u> - delete backward to the start of the line


:1 :print :$ :p :3p :2,5p :.,$p % - all lines of file :%p :%s/Practical/Pragmatic/ :'<,'>p - visual selection :/<html>/,/<\/html>/p - range of Lines by Patterns :{address}+n - Modify an Address Using an Offset :/<html>/+1,/<\/html>/-1p :.,.+3p :%normal A; - adds semicolons to all file lines ends :%normal i// - comments all lines :col<C-d> - autosuggestions set wildmode=longest,list - like bash # like zsh: set wildmenu set wildmode=full :%s//<C-r><C-w>/g - copy word under cursor to substitute command :write | !ruby % - combine two commands with | sign


Symbol | Address -------|----------------------- 1 | First line of the file $ | Last line of the file 0 | Virtual line above first line of the file . | Line where the cursor is placed 'm | Line containing mark m '< | Start of visual selection '> | End of visual selection % | The entire file (shorthand for :1,$) Command | Effect ---------|------------------------------------------- :6t. | Copy line 6 to just below the current line :t6 | Copy the current line to just below line 6 :t. | Duplicate the current line (similar to Normal mode yyp ) :t$ | Copy the current line to the end of the file :'<,'>t0 | Copy the visually selected lines to the start of the file Command | Action --------------------------------------------------------------- q/ | Open the command-line window with history of searches q: | Open the command-line window with history of Ex commands ctrl-f | Switch from Command-Line mode to the command-line window Command | Effect ---------------------|--------------------------------------------- :shell | Start a shell (return to Vim by typing exit) :!{cmd} | Execute {cmd} with the shell :read !{cmd} | Execute {cmd} in the shell and insert its standard output below the cursor :[range]write !{cmd} | Execute {cmd} in the shell with [range] lines as standard input :[range]!{filter} | Filter the specified [range] through external program {filter} :2,$!sort -t',' -k2


Intent | Act | Repeat| Reverse ---------------------------------|-----------------------|-------|-------- Make a change | {edit} | . | u Scan line for next character | f{char} / t{char} | ; | , Scan line for previous character | F{char} / T{char} | ; | , Scan document for next match | /pattern <CR> | n | N Scan document for previous match | ?pattern <CR> | n | N Perform substitution | :s/target/replacement | & | u Execute a sequence of changes | qx{changes}q | @x | u * - search words under cursor


:ls :bn(ext) :bprev(ious) :bdelete N1 N2 N3 :N,M bdelete <C-^> - switch back to the already editing buffer <C-g> - command echoes the name and status of the current file :args :args {arglist} :args index.html app.js :args **/*.js **/*.css :args `cat .chapters` :lcd {path} - command lets us set the working directory locally for the current window :set path? - inspect path value gf - go to file under cursor Command | Effect ---------|----------------------------------------- :w[rite] | Write the contents of the buffer to disk :e[dit]! | Read the file from disk back into the buffer (that is, revert changes) :qa[ll]! | Close all windows, discarding changes without warning :wa[ll] | Write all modified buffers to disk


<C-w>s | Split the current window horizontally, reusing the current buffer in the new window <C-w>v | Split the current window vertically, reusing the current buffer in the new window :sp[lit] {file} | Split the current window horizontally, loading {file} into the new window :vsp[lit] {file} | Split the current window vertically, loading {file} into the new window Command | Effect ------------------------------------ <C-w>w | Cycle between open windows <C-w>h | Focus the window to the left <C-w>j | Focus the window below <C-w>k | Focus the window above <C-w>l | Focus the window to the right Ex Command | Normal | Command Effect --------------------------------------------- :cl[ose] | <C-w>c | Close the active window :on[ly] | <C-w>o | Keep only the active window, closing all others Keystrokes | Buffer Contents ----------------------------------------------------- <C-w>= | Equalize width and height of all windows <C-w>_ | Maximize height of the active window <C-w>| | Maximize width of the active window [N]<C-w>_ | Set active window height to [N] rows [N]<C-w>| | Set active window width to [N] columns


Command | Effect ---------------------------------------------------- :tabe[dit] {filename} | Open {filename} in a new tab <C-w>T | Move the current window into its own tab :tabc[lose] | Close the current tab page and all of its windows :tabo[nly] | Keep the active tab page, closing all others Ex Command | Normal Command | Effect --------------------------------------------------------------- :tabn[ext] {N} | {N}gt | Switch to tab page number {N} :tabn[ext] | gt | Switch to the next tab page :tabp[revious] | gT | Switch to the previous tab page :tabmove [N] - rearrange tabs


Open Files and Save Them to Disk

:pwd :edit lib/framework.js :edit % <Tab> - % symbol is a shorthand for the filepath of the active buffer :edit %:h <Tab> - :h modifier removes the filename while preserving the rest of the path

Save files to nonexistent directories:

:!mkdir -p %:h :write

Save a file as the super user

:w !sudo tee % > /dev/null :find Main.js :set path+=app/**


set nocompatible filetype plugin on Ex Command | Shorthand | Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :edit . | :e. | Open file explorer for current working directory :Explore | :E | Open file explorer for the directory of the active buffer

Plugins \\ap \\G \\\ - comment current line - !!! Surround.vim p.129


:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab

Nov 19, 2012

Unix as IDE

Text Processing

Echo a file without the first and last lines
sed '1d;$d' file.txt
How to remove all blank lines in fie
grep -v '^$' old-file.csv > new-file.csv
# or
grep -v '^$' file.csv | sponge file.csv
# or if lines may contain spaces
egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' old-file.csv > new-file.csv


String search
egrep -r "findmestr" .
Search and replace in file
sed 's/replaceme/byme/g' ffff > TMPFILE && mv TMPFILE ffff
run grep with multiple AND patterns?
awk '/regexp1/ && /regexp2/ && /regexp3/ { print; }'
How to search a PDF file from command line?
pdftotext document.pdf - | grep -C5 -n -i "search term"


Export enviroment variable for a single command
PANTS=kakhi PLANTS="ficus fern" env | grep 'P.*NTS'
if [ -e afile ] ; then VAR=val ./program_using_VAR ; fi

Bash auto completion

For Django commands
echo '. /path/to/django-trunk/extras/django_bash_completion' >> .bashrc


Change file extension
cp /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf{,.bak}
Search and remove all *.pyc files
find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -rf {} \;
Sync dirs
rsync -avuzr <from_dir> <to_dir>
Find files by modification date and copy them to folder
find . -mtime -1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp "{}" /some/dist_dir/ \;


tar -cjf ../ffff.tar.bz2 *
tar -xjf ffff.tar.bz2
tar xvf ffff.tar
tar xvfz ffff.tar.gz


dirs -v
pushd # / popd
Send file(s) via ssh
cat filename | ssh -l login ip_address 'cat > filename'
# get folder
tar -cjf - /path/to/files/ | ssh -l root ip_address 'cd needed_directory; tar -xjf -'


How can I get my external IP address in bash?
Routing table
How can I find which process sends data to a specific port?
netstat -npl | grep 5432
Repeat a unix command every x seconds
watch -n1  command
How to log all the events performed on directory or file?
inotifywait -m -r /dir
Look for a process with a given name
ps -C python
Find the process ID of a running program:
pidof java


How to send email from the Linux command line
man mail
man sendmail


Network usage
sudo apt-get install bwm-ng
Measuring Web Server Performance
sudo apt-get install httperf
httperf --server --port 8000 --uri / --num-conns 200 --add-header='Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\n'

Nov 16, 2012

Nov 15, 2012

Vim netrw plugin

Opening remote server via scp (the same for ftp):
:e scp://[user]@hostname/path/
- change the listing style
- show/hide system files
- change the sort order

Nov 13, 2012

Enable vim's system and selection registers (clipboards) in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install vim-gnome
Add in .vimrc:
set clipboard=unnamedplus

Nov 9, 2012

Gnome terminal jellybeans theme

Original colors from jellybeans vim color theme:

Python: calculate lighter/darker RGB colors
>>> def color_variant(hex_color, brightness_offset=40):
...         rgb_hex = [hex_color[x:x+2] for x in [1, 3, 5]]
...         new_rgb_int = [int(hex_value, 16) + brightness_offset for hex_value in rgb_hex]
...         new_rgb_int = [min([255, max([0, i])]) for i in new_rgb_int] 
...         return "#%02x%02x%02x" % tuple(new_rgb_int)
Lighter colors:
>>> ':'.join(map(color_variant, ("#3b3b3b","#cf6a4c","#99ad6a","#d8ad4c","#597bc5","#a037b0","#71b9f8","#adadad")))
Original colors:
>>> ':'.join(("#3b3b3b","#cf6a4c","#99ad6a","#d8ad4c","#597bc5","#a037b0","#71b9f8","#adadad"))

Final result using this solution:
gconftool --set --type string /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/foreground_color '#adadad'
gconftool --set --type string /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/bold_color '#adadad'
gconftool --set --type string /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/background_color '#151515'
gconftool --set --type string /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/palette '#3b3b3b:#cf6a4c:#99ad6a:#d8ad4c:#597bc5:#a037b0:#71b9f8:#adadad:#636363:#f79274:#c1d592:#ffd574:#81a3ed:#c85fd8:#99e1ff:#d5d5d5'

Vim color schemes
sudo apt-get install ncurses-term

vim ~/.bashrc
export TERM=xterm-256color

vim ~/.vimrc
set t_Co=256

Nov 6, 2012