Jul 28, 2013

smiley – Python Application Tracer

Smiley is a tool for spying on your Python programs and recording their activities. It can be used for post-mortem debugging, performance analysis, or simply understanding what parts of a complex program are actually used in different code paths.
Docs Code

Jul 19, 2013

Web Framework Benchmarks


My gnome extensions


  • Arrange terminals in a grid 
  • Tabs 
  • Drag and drop re-ordering of terminals 
  • Lots of keyboard shortcuts 
  • Save multiple layouts and profiles via GUI preferences editor 
  • Simultaneous typing to arbitrary groups of terminals
sudo apt-get install terminator
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec terminator

Jul 4, 2013

Django model mixins and utilities.


I want to know when a running process will terminate. How can I watch it?

while [ -d /proc/ ]; do sleep 1; done; echo "Process finished at $(date +"%F %T")."
Or you can make a bash script:

if [ ! -d /proc/$1 ]; then
    echo "Process $1 doesn't exist."
    exit 1

while [ -d /proc/$1 ]; do
    sleep 1

echo "Process $1 finished at $(date +"%F %T")."